Author: Kathryn Cashman

What comes to mind when you think of mental health? Clients asked to follow professional advice? Pills offered that manage symptoms but offer no long-term improvement in quality of life? An office setting that looks as tired and spent as the clients feel? There is something upside down about that approach to mental health and counseling.

Unique Mental Health Center in Burnsville

As the Clinical Director and Owner of Cashman Center, I wanted more for clients than traditional counseling. I knew there was a better way. My vision was, and remains, to create a center where providers sought to inspire hope, treat with integrity, and embrace health for those we serve.

My greatest desire was to offer care that encompassed mind, body, and spirit. I knew that people could experience more potent healing through therapies that addressed their entire being. In 2012, my vision came to fruition in Cashman Center.

Inspire Hope – Treat with Integrity – Embrace Health

At Cashman Center, we help people of all ages overcome emotional challenges using therapies that support the mind and body. The body stores feelings and emotions and it can be affected as much as the mind when faced with emotional challenges.

The integrated approach to wellness Cashman Center offers provides hope for living an enhanced life of greater fullness and joy beyond that typically experienced with traditional counseling.

Improved Sense of Well-being through a Holistic Approach

A young man with a family sought out Cashman Center for group therapy support after he was diagnosed with life-threatening cancer and endured a year of treatment and traumatic experiences associated with his cancer diagnosis. His initial step of group therapy to improve his health and well-being motivated him to continue his healing journey.

For him, the next step in his journey towards wellness was individual counseling to find acceptance, purpose, and meaning in the life-changing event of cancer. His hope increased and he became open to the possibility that his health could improve beyond the cancer prognosis he had been given. He chose to add acupuncture and yoga as supplemental treatments to his traditional care.

One session of acupuncture brought a dramatic drop in his experience of anxiety. After three acupuncture sessions, his dangerous skin condition cleared and he enjoyed food again along with observing other physical improvements in his health. With regular yoga practice, he was able to achieve the goal of, once more, bringing his body and mind into a relaxed state.

Using a holistic approach that included complementary and alternative medicines, he continues his journey of living well with cancer.

Body, Mind, Spirit

You are a whole person, made up of body, mind, and spirit. All aspects of you are connected and each has an effect on your entire well-being. At Cashman Center, we work collaboratively with you to create a plan for care that includes the whole of who you are.

Cashman Center was designed with the whole person in mind. It is a place intended to make you feel comfortable. It is a place that offers traditional mind therapies as well as body therapies. It is a place of healing and hope. It is a place designed to welcome you.