The Mental Health Benefits of Socialization – Reconnecting Post-Pandemic

2021-06-23T20:18:23+00:00June 23rd, 2021|Self-care, Teletherapy, COVID-19, Mental Health, Wellness & Healthy Living|

Normalcy fell by the wayside over the last twelve months, due to Covid-19. With the health of our families and members of our communities at risk, we found our businesses, schools, houses of worship, stores, and entertainment outlets closed. Many of us were forced to shrink our social circles to small ‘bubbles’ of family [...]

COVID Fatigue: Anxiety, Stress, and Depression

2020-12-01T19:43:17+00:00December 1st, 2020|Teletherapy, COVID-19|

The pandemic has been around for over nine months, with no signs of letting up. We have our good days and bad days. Now our holiday plans need to accommodate a new unwelcomed guest: COVID-19. We miss our family and friends. We miss hugs. With the virus spreading and death rates climbing, it’s hard [...]

COVID and the Caregiver

2020-09-30T18:42:19+00:00September 30th, 2020|Teletherapy, COVID-19, Mental Health|

A new CDC report reveals the startling impact COVID-19 is having on the mental health of unpaid adult caregivers. The home phone rings, AGAIN, for the fifth time! I’ve equally ignored the last five calls on my cell phone as ’m trying to get dinner on the table...Four more rings on the home phone [...]

A School Year Like No Other – Six Steps to Help Your Child Succeed in a COVID-19 World

2020-08-28T20:12:31+00:00August 13th, 2020|Teletherapy, COVID-19, Mental Health|

Education During A Pandemic As the world scrambles with the health and economic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic, schools and educators are struggle to create safe and effective programs for upcoming school year. Solutions will range from all in-class schooling, to hybrid schooling (a mix of in class and virtual), to 100% virtual learning. Along [...]

Mental Health, COVID-19, and Teletherapy

2020-10-27T19:32:18+00:00May 5th, 2020|Teletherapy, COVID-19, Mental Health|

Teletherapy: A safe, easy, and effective solution for mental health services during the COVID-19 outbreak. The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has significantly increased stress in all of our lives, and is particularly problematic for those already suffering from anxiety, and depressive illness. At the same time, shelter-in-place orders, designed to stop the spread of COVID-19 have [...]

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