Does society and its obsession with the latest diet fads and the “eat this not that culture” that often contradicts itself leave you feeling guilty, ashamed, sick, and confused? Would you like to have the support that you need to set achievable, maintainable, and healthy goals?
Oftentimes it is the very culture of health that leaves us either with too little information to understand our problems or so inundated with information that we cannot sift through the jargon to learn something that could help.
At Cashman Center we know that making changes to your eating patterns can be a challenge. We know that eating decisions can be personal, meaningful, supportive, or harmful. That is why we take a non-judgmental stance when learning about your’ eating patterns and try to partner with you to make changes that you feel good about.
We have Registered Dietitians that specialize in eating disorders. Their training includes working with cardiac concerns, weight management – restoration, stability or loss, specialized diets such as vegetarian or gluten free, diabetes, bariatric diets, and many other health issues.
If you would like to take charge of your own nutrition and would like a guide to help inform, encourage, and understand your relationship with food reach out, we are here.